Bounty List For Hoary

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Mon Nov 8 17:32:10 CST 2004

On Mon, Nov 08, 2004 at 03:09:27PM +0200, Sivan Green wrote:

>   I would like to know if the already listed items in the wiki for Hoary
> as bounties, is just something very perliminary or is of 'production'
> quality :) 

I'm not sure what you mean.  The list is the result of a marathon discussion
during the Hoary kickoff meeting which reviewed the full list of proposed
features for Hoary.  This is as official as it gets. :-)

>   If anyone care, I would very much appriciate someone sorting them by
> skill catagories, so it might be more easy to find out which one suit
> one's abilities.

I don't think there are quite so many there that they need to be
categorized, but it is fine to reorder them for clarity.

>  Some very basic subsectioning could be:
>    * Non development tasks (e.g. doc, testing etc..)
>    * Packaging centric works. (stuff that need be .debianized,
> maintainance)
>    * Code familiarity tasks. (stuff need be done, where some former
> knowledge and understanding of the already existing code is required)
>    * New Initiatives (new projects that are desired to take form, code
> from scratch)

Perhaps use a set of icons to represent various skills, and add a column
containing the appropriate icons for each task.

 - mdz

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