xfs filesystem crash

An-tonio turok at supercable.es
Tue Dec 14 08:46:12 CST 2004

I've had some problems using xfs filesystem in horay. I don't know in 
which circumstances can be reproduced the problem but sometimes the xfs 
filesystem crash, gettin only an input/output error when I tried to exec 
some command in console like "ls". I have to reboot with a rescue cd an 
xfs_repair filesystem... I get a lot of data corrupt.

First I thought it was a problem with my hd at home, but I get the same 
problem at work where I use horay too. The two systems are used for 
office/desktop. I have search some info in Internet and I think may be a 
problem with 2.6 kernel and xfs under high load. With both kernel, 2.6.8 
and 2.6.9 the filesystem crash in work and home.

I have other system with debain sarge and kernel 2.6 with xfs 
filesystem, for now I haven't any problem with them but they are servers 
with low filesystem load so... I don't know if I'll get the same problem 
in future with more filesystem load.

If 2.6 kernels and xfs are an unstable combination, the installation 
wouldn't let use xfs.

Have any body get the same problem with xfs ?.

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