Synaptic disappeared after an upgrade to hoary (Depends: libapt-pkg-libc6.3-5-3.3)

Santiago Erquicia santiago_erquicia at
Mon Dec 13 16:14:44 CST 2004

Eric Dunbar wrote:
> Hello all: I just upgraded my system to Hoary using Synaptic, and,
> well, umm, Synaptic has disappear from my system completely. Otherwise
> it seems to be working alright (fonts don't exactly look great but I
> guess this is an alpha release after all)... FireFox 1.0 (20041116),
> Evolution 2.1.1, OpenOffice 1.1.3 (& it looks like crap... gotta do
> install that package I saw someone talking about)).

I forgot to say that you need to install openoffice-gnome package to 
make it look good.

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