Ubuntu blues

nuopus dlist at ubuntuforums.org
Sun Dec 12 18:30:22 CST 2004

Matt Zimmerman Wrote: 
> On Sun, Dec 12, 2004 at 12:20:56PM -0500, nuopus wrote:
> That should not be the case; it will only download packages from the
> Internet which are not available on the CD (i.e., newer versions).  In
> Warty, this means that only security updates will be retrieved.
> Note that a security update has been made to X, so that part is
> normal, and
> you need to download X in order to apply the security update.
> If you can demonstrate that this is not happening as expected, then it
> indicates a bug, and I would like to hear details about it.
All I can say is try it. In a virtual machine or a spare partition ...
try performing a new installation and say YES to download from the
internet ... it will download all of the packages that are part of
ubuntu-desktop. Try it again and this time say NO to download from the
Internet .. it will get it from the local cache this time. When you add
the repos and update then upgrade it will only download a fraction of
what it would have dowloaded if you said YES.

The installer I think copies the debs into a cache directory as part
of the installer ... but if it is re-downloading the stuff from the
Internet the copy during the installer stage is a waste of time.


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