Package management tools
Michael Vogt
michael.vogt at
Sun Dec 12 13:07:05 CST 2004
On Wed, Dec 08, 2004 at 08:09:59PM +0100, Eric Feliksik wrote:
> I like the idea of .
> I have some comments:
> 3) gnome-app-install currently looks weird at my installation:
> The top and bottom texts look selected, and below "system services" the
> screen is gray.
It is very much in development right now.
> 4) I now realise I have a lot to say about gnome-app-install's
> shortcomings, but it's probably in very heavy development... Is it
> useful to point to those shortcomings now, or should I wait till the
> development is a bit further on?
Have a look at the summary of the BOF about the future of the package
managment tools
It may answer some of you questins. You are welcome to tell us what
you think about it of course.
> 5) I think update-manager should display the number of megabytes that
> need to be downloaded (and maybe the extra amount of diskspace that will
> be used). It currently only shows the number of packages that's to be
> installed.
That's a good idea, I'll add it to my local tree and make it part of
my next release.
> 6) If I open update-manager from command-line, and close it with the 'x'
> , the bash prompt doesn't return, and the program is still running. If
> I ctrl-C it, it shows:
> <start of error>
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "/usr/bin/update-manager", line 326, in ?
> updatemanager.main()
> File "/usr/bin/update-manager", line 310, in main
> gtk.main()
> KeyboardInterrupt
> <end of error>
> Closing with the "close" button works fine.
> But probably point 4) goes for update-manager too?
Yeah, it's in development as well. But it's fine to tell problems like
this one. This is actually a oversight and now fixed in my tree
> 7) Keep up the good work! Are the ideas for these apps documented
> somewhere, so I can help giving ideas, or are the plans in the heads of
> the developers, and should I wait till the programs are more mature?
There are those two wiki pages:
Comments are certainly welcome :)
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