Epiphany vs. Firefox (Duck!)

Martin Alderson martinalderson at gmail.com
Sat Dec 4 15:43:59 CST 2004

On Sat, 4 Dec 2004 16:23:43 -0500, saBrEwolf <dlist at ubuntuforums.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've had a thought, Epiphany is good as its integrated into GNOME.
> Firefox is good as its recognisable, like Mozilla.
> Doesn't anyone remember that they are both based on Mozilla!
> So I think Epiphany gets my vote (heck, first thing I apt-got!)
> Any thoughts on this?

Absolutely not.

Ephiphany has major major problems:

1) Tiny install base.
2) Tiny developer base.
3) Therefore, slower on security issue, and most likley less
consistent with them.
4) No familiarity with people.
5) Less site compatiblity (if someone does useragent == firefox).
6) Tiny amount of extensions.
7) Can't share my profile between Windows, Linux and Mac machines
(like I do now, well I sync my bookmarks between all three using FTP,
but I copy my profile over to each new machine which saves hours in
installing extensions etc).

Firefox 1.1 is going to have Mac and GNOME compatibility on the top of
the list. Have a look at this:

I think once Moz get's most of those issues completed, they should
def. drop Epiphany and pick up Firefox instead.

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