Directory Service for Ubuntu

Jerry Haltom jhaltom at
Wed Dec 1 13:04:17 CST 2004

This is just one of my many "things to do". Someday...

On Wed, 2004-12-01 at 17:01 +0100, Manuel Zach wrote:
> Hello,
> in the last time I was thinking a lot about directory services and
> this takes me on an idea.
> I know it seems, it is not a big deal, but I think it is very handy
> for the success of Ubuntu.
> Novell has eDirectory,
> IBM has Tivoli Sirectroy Server,
> Mircrosoft has Active Directory,
> Redhat now has the directory service from Netscape,
> ....
> Ubuntu has ....?
> I think we should start a project with the target to get an 100% free,
> open, stable, secure, ...
> directory service which is comparable with eDirectory or AD.
> Correct me if I am wrong, I think that a "good" and secure Directory
> Service with OpenLDAP and Kerberos is quite hard to install, configure
> and maintain compared to NDS or AD (I have to say that I have never
> seen NDS in action).
> I think it would be great, if we have a good administration tool to
> set up and maintain the server and to have  a good client support.
> Address the whole system:
> Further advantages would be, that the support for such a system is
> much easier and it is easier to optimize security,
> simply to make it easier to set up and to administer it.
> Perhaps this best way to explain is, if I show how a roadmap could look like:
> e.g. Roadmap:
> _ Decide which software should be used.
>   (e.g. the kerberos implementation from the MIT or Heimdal)
> _Document which software you have to install and how to configure it,
> on server and client.
> _ Create a (or more) packages with the right depentencies
>   e.g # apt-get install <coolsoundingname>-server
>   which will install the OpenLDAP server, Kerberos server, OpenSSL, ....
>   e.g. # apt-get install <coolsoundingname>-client
>   which will install the PAM plugins, libnss-ldap, ....
> _ Develop Config Tools for Server and Client (web-, cursed-, or gnome-based)
> .
> .
> .
> _ Have a cool Single Sign-On system :)
> I hope everyone could understand me.
> cheers,
> Manuel
> -- 
> jabber: loogaroo at
Jerry Haltom <wasabi at>
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