dxf2gcode package is looking a bit dusty

Thomas Ward teward at thomas-ward.net
Tue Mar 21 15:15:40 UTC 2023

In actuality, the current version is 20191025-2 from Debian synced into Lunar during a time period of which between 2018-04-24 the package was last updated and now a newer update made in November of 2022.

"dusty" only applies to where the version is the older 20190925-4 version from 2018, and during the time between 2018 and 2022 the package remained in ubuntu because it was synced from Unstable and did not get updated then.

There remains cases that this package is not maintained consistently in Debian namely due to the fact that upstream doesn't seem to regularly produce code versions for updating.  If you need the newer version you might want to consider updating to the 23.04 release when it's out.  Otherwise you'll have to stick with the 2017 package version that is available in the version of Ubuntu you are using.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ubuntu-devel-discuss <ubuntu-devel-discuss-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com> On Behalf Of ubuntu2 at skewray.com
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2023 8:20 PM
To: ubuntu-devel-discuss at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: dxf2gcode package is looking a bit dusty

The dxf2gcode was last built in 2017.  Maybe time for a refresh?

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