Neutron 18.6.0 - Wallaby on Ubuntu 20.04, neutron-dhcp-agent RPC unusually slow

Zakhar Kirpichenko zakhar at
Tue Mar 14 11:59:04 UTC 2023


We're running Openstack Wallaby on Ubuntu 20.04, 3 high-performance infra
nodes with a RabbitMQ cluster. I updated Neutron components to version
18.6.0, which recently became available in the Cloud Archive repository ( focal-updates/wallaby
main). Normally this would be an easy update, but this time
neutron-dhcp-agent doesn't work properly: at start DHCP configuration for
each port (and network) takes a lot longer than it used to with the
previous Neutron version (18.5.0), with a big number of networks and ports
things get rather bad. I tried to describe the issue in more detail here:

As for some reason I am unable to target a specific package version or
package in general, I don't know if anyone will notice that submission. I
would very much appreciate any advice, especially regarding:

1) submitting the bug report in a way that it specifically targets Ubuntu
20.04, Openstack Wallaby, and Neutron, so that the relevant developer(s)
are aware of this possible bug or regression;

2) getting the previous version of Neutron packages - I don't know if that
is possible, as the Cloud Archive repository only has the latest versions,
and it's unclear how to roll back from this update.

Thank you for your time!

Best regards,
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