Fw: Pyhton-rbd not found

Nazan CENGİZ nazancengiz at havelsan.com.tr
Wed Jun 17 12:17:54 UTC 2020

Hi all,

We are deployed openstack on K8s. So openstack service running as a pod.
I am wanting nova, glance and cinder backed ceph storage.Cinder and glance is recording successfull ceph.But nova failed on below;
"ERROR nova.compute.manager RuntimeError: rbd python libraries not found"

Nova compute image;

Stein version include bug;https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/stein/+bug/1860990

Login to nova-compute pod on below command;

apt install python-rbd
apt install python3-rbd
apt install python3-rados
apt-get install librbd-dev

I read https://ubuntu.pkgs.org/16.04/ubuntu-main-amd64/librbd-dev_10.1.2-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb.html
I have 3 nova-compute pods ;
But same error.
A solution on the K8s side pod image.(ocata,stein ...)
Could you please help me?

Best Regards,

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