ask for support packages for nfs-kernel-server

wangchenghao2123 at wangchenghao2123 at
Sat May 18 15:21:02 UTC 2019

Hello Dimitri, Nish,

I'm lucky to solve the problem with the indication of this site:
I think your suggestion is more from a developer point of view while the above one is more from a user point of view. 

I tried your solution after applying the first method. It also works in the chroot environment. Thanks!

By the way, can we use mk-sbuild to create a cross develpment environment (eg: a toolchain for ARM board on a IA32 machine) If it is not possible, why? Thanks!
Thanks for you answer!

Best regardsChenghao

----- Original Message -----
From: Dimitri John Ledkov <xnox at>
To: wangchenghao2123 at
Cc: ubuntu-devel-discuss <ubuntu-devel-discuss at>
Subject: Re: ask for support packages for nfs-kernel-server
Date: 2019-05-15 23:00

On Thu, 9 May 2019 at 18:31, <wangchenghao2123 at> wrote:
> Dear,
> I'm trying to install the package nfs-kernel-server on my Ubuntu 10.04.
> By the apt-get command, the following package are needed:
> libgssglue1_0.1-4_i386.deb
> libnfsidmap2_0.23-2_i386.deb
> librpcsecgss3_0.19-2_i386.deb
> portmap_6.0.0-1ubuntu2_i386.deb
> nfs-common_1.2.0-4ubuntu4_i386.deb
> nfs-kernel-server_1.2.0-4ubuntu4_i386.deb
> I cannot found the exact version for libgssglue1, libnfsidmap2 and librpcsecgss3. (I think it's due to the expired support of the Ubuntu version.) I tried the closest version of these packages that I can find. But there are dependency problems.
> I have spent a whole day trying to resolve it without success. Can you help to provide these pakcages? Thanks a lot!
> Best regards
> Chenghao WANG

As part of sunsetting obsolete ubuntu releases, they do get archivedto old-releases, and both installation media and the apt archive are
still available as a a final snapshot only.
So one can still consume that, even from a modern amd64 Ubuntu
release, for example:$ mk-sbuild lucid --arch=i386
$ schroot -c lucid-i386 -u root
$ apt-get install nfs-kernel-server
(downloads and installs all the packages one needs)
Enjoy, but do please upgrade to Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Bionic!
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