Openscap package too outdated

Jesus Linares jesus at
Thu Jul 6 09:24:24 UTC 2017

Thanks Tyler for clarifying.

I'm not expert on OpenSCAP or deb packages, so I'm not able to contribute
with this update. But it is necessary because the package seems to be
useless without OVAL 5.11.

Who created the current package?.


On Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 8:45 AM, Robie Basak <robie.basak at> wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 05, 2017 at 07:12:57PM -0500, Tyler Hicks wrote:
> > I doubt anyone out there is making much use of the existing openscap in
> > 14.04. If a newer version, such as what's in 16.04, was pulled back to
> > trusty-updates, it might actually be useful.
> >
> > Note that I haven't looked at the changes between 14.04 and 16.04's
> > openscap so I don't know how disruptive such a backport would be. I also
> > don't have the time to prepare and test such a backport. I just wanted
> > to elaborate on why Jesus is advocating for the backport as I feel like
> > it could be something worth an exception to the usual SRU rules.
> Thank you for clarifying. Yes - that sounds like it might qualify for an
> exception under the "change to the environment" qualification.
> Jesus: still applies -
> policies for exceptions are documented there also, along with the
> procedure to follow if you are able to contribute this update.
> Thanks,
> Robie

*Jesus Linares*
*IT Security Engineer*
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