Old Qbittorrent Version on APT
Harley Lorenzo
harleylorenzo512 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 6 05:42:42 UTC 2017
The qbittorrent version on apt is out of date and needs updating. The
version on apt is 3.3.1 and the current version is 3.3.13. I can say
that version is very stable based on my own testing and that an upgrade
should be pushed onto apt. Also, keep an eye on qbittorrent updates as
they are frequent (about once a month, give or take) and they should not
be a security risk or at risk for regressing. This is a very commonly
used bittorrenting program, my favourite, and users of both Ubuntu and
the Ubuntu derivatives would be sad to see it be continually abandoned
as more and more updates are issued.
Thank you for your time,
Harley Lorenzo
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