xrdp broken, possible directions

John Moser john.r.moser at gmail.com
Mon Jan 23 23:18:45 UTC 2017

Nothing yet.

I did manage to file a Launchpad bug with patch to get weston-rdp to
build--as a separate package (weston-rdp-compositor) due to the large
number of additional dependencies the RDP compositor draws in.  As noted, I
haven't managed to actually test it--I don't have a real Zesty
environment--and mainly intended to make the component installable as a
first step.


I'm not a programmer, in any case; I can try to work out a bash script to
wrapper weston-rdp with an X11rdp frontend, but that's about it for me.  So
far, Zesty is at the point where other interested parties can readily start
trying to do more-advanced things like integrate an RDP session back-end
with a greeter (e.g. get LightDM to spawn under weston-rdp/xwayland or
mir-rdp/xmir, if someone implements that) or use the more-advanced features
of Wayland/Mir to move sessions between console and RDP (supposedly,
Wayland can do things like move a session from the console to VNC or such
without disrupting applications).

I'm hoping to get somewhere farther with this by 18.04 LTS.  That would
land this on servers and Raspberry Pi distributions.  As to how far...
maybe I can make an X11rdp shell script work; if there's no other interest,
that's as far as it's going to go.

On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 5:47 PM, Martinx - ジェームズ <thiagocmartinsc at gmail.com>

> On 7 January 2017 at 22:35, John Moser <john.r.moser at gmail.com> wrote:
>> As per bug 220005
>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xrdp/+bug/220005
>> xrdp doesn't work.  It used to build X11rdp by patching Xorg to write to
>> an RDP session, but this no longer builds and doesn't get installed.
>> Fundamentally, xrdp-sesman runs a command with some arguments.  It has a
>> configuration section in /etc/xrdp/sesman.ini like so:
>> [X11rdp]
>> param1=-bs
>> param2=-ac
>> param3=-nolisten
>> param4=tcp
>> Thus any X11 service can stand in.
>> Weston typically comes with weston-rdp, although this isn't built in
>> Ubuntu.  This is an RDP compositor, and listens on a port for an RDP
>> connection.  Stacking Wayland-X on top of this would immediately give an
>> xrdp replacement.
>> As a possible forward direction, Ubuntu could:
>>  - Provide weston-rdp;
>>  - Provide an X11rdp which runs weston-rdp to host Wayland-X;
>>  - promote the necessary pieces to main;
>>  - provide a default configuration which listens on 3389 (RDP) and
>> automatically starts an X11rdp session with a Display Manager (lightdm,
>> gdm, etc.).
>> This would allow a user to install xrdp and immediately have a system
>> which gives a login screen on the RDP port.  No VNC, no logging in with
>> xrdp's ugly session manager; instead we would get the same functionality as
>> Windows servers, using the same protocol.
>> Even servers without a console display manager could allow login through
>> RDP in this way.
>> Obviously, this doesn't immediately provide advanced options like
>> disconnecting from the RDP session and leaving it running, reconnecting to
>> the same session (by logging in as the same user), sharing the session, or
>> accessing the existing console session.  I believe all of the pieces to
>> provide basic remote RDP access are there, however; advanced functionality
>> will require more code.
>> Thoughts?
>> --
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> +1000 for that! I really want to see this smooth RDP integration on
> Ubuntu! Sounds awesome!
> Do you have some workaround for this problem? Maybe manually doing some
> changes?
> Cheers!
> Thiago
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