xrdp broken, possible directions

Martinx - ジェームズ thiagocmartinsc at gmail.com
Mon Jan 23 22:47:09 UTC 2017

On 7 January 2017 at 22:35, John Moser <john.r.moser at gmail.com> wrote:

> As per bug 220005
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xrdp/+bug/220005
> xrdp doesn't work.  It used to build X11rdp by patching Xorg to write to
> an RDP session, but this no longer builds and doesn't get installed.
> Fundamentally, xrdp-sesman runs a command with some arguments.  It has a
> configuration section in /etc/xrdp/sesman.ini like so:
> [X11rdp]
> param1=-bs
> param2=-ac
> param3=-nolisten
> param4=tcp
> Thus any X11 service can stand in.
> Weston typically comes with weston-rdp, although this isn't built in
> Ubuntu.  This is an RDP compositor, and listens on a port for an RDP
> connection.  Stacking Wayland-X on top of this would immediately give an
> xrdp replacement.
> As a possible forward direction, Ubuntu could:
>  - Provide weston-rdp;
>  - Provide an X11rdp which runs weston-rdp to host Wayland-X;
>  - promote the necessary pieces to main;
>  - provide a default configuration which listens on 3389 (RDP) and
> automatically starts an X11rdp session with a Display Manager (lightdm,
> gdm, etc.).
> This would allow a user to install xrdp and immediately have a system
> which gives a login screen on the RDP port.  No VNC, no logging in with
> xrdp's ugly session manager; instead we would get the same functionality as
> Windows servers, using the same protocol.
> Even servers without a console display manager could allow login through
> RDP in this way.
> Obviously, this doesn't immediately provide advanced options like
> disconnecting from the RDP session and leaving it running, reconnecting to
> the same session (by logging in as the same user), sharing the session, or
> accessing the existing console session.  I believe all of the pieces to
> provide basic remote RDP access are there, however; advanced functionality
> will require more code.
> Thoughts?
> --
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+1000 for that! I really want to see this smooth RDP integration on Ubuntu!
Sounds awesome!

Do you have some workaround for this problem? Maybe manually doing some

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