Paging yannubuntu (Re: How to boot a win 7 hard drive that was in Ubuntu system?)

Joel Rees joel.rees at
Sat Apr 8 02:18:42 UTC 2017

On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 9:39 AM, Jim <jf_byrnes at> wrote:
> On 04/06/2017 06:05 PM, Joel Rees wrote:
>> [...]
>> So he actually should be  thinking in terms of restoring a Microsoft
>> MBR on that drive, after copying off the MBR that grub seems to have
>> overwritten it with.
> That's what I ended up doing using a Boot Repair cd.
> Regards,  Jim

Yannubuntu, if you are monitoring the list, could you put links to


in your sourceforge project wiki and user profile, to let people know
that you are actually taking responsibility for the project, and that
you really are a member of the Ubuntu community?

And it would be really great to see some source code somewhere.

(I still think it's an easy enough operation to do this with regular
tools, and nearly essential knowledge if you consider yourself a
responsible computer user, but I also know that there are users who
need the reassurance of pushbutton solutions.)

Joel Rees

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