Snappy (Was: My opinion on Ubuntu cancelling Intel 80386/80386-clone processor support)

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Sun Sep 18 13:49:28 UTC 2016

On So, 2016-09-18 at 15:29 +0200, Xen wrote:
> Oliver Grawert schreef op 18-09-2016 15:09:
> > 
> > hi,
> > On So, 2016-09-18 at 14:14 +0200, Xen wrote:
> > > 
> > >  
> > > That won't install Ubuntu onto a 32-bit system, now will it.
> > 
> > it will, and snappy images will actually be staying around for
> > 32bit
> > since they target embedded, where you even still see a lot new
> > 32bit
> > only devices being produced and where memory size of the binaries
> > can
> > be essential (32bit ones being smaller on disk and consuming less
> > ram)
> > 
> > ...
> So what would that imply????
> Do I need a running system to unpack e.g. ubuntu-core-16-i386.img.xz 
> onto a root filesystem and then chroot and install grub?

the images are preinstalled filesystems, containing a bootloader and
everything already, you dd them to a target device (SD card, internal
flash, USB stick). 

while targeting server, cloud, robots, NAS, switches, routers, fridges,
self driving cars, lawnmowers, media-boxes etc [1], there is nothing
holding you back to make an lxde snap and bundle it in an image
(created with the ubuntu-image tool) you provide yourself. 

so while desktop, tablet or phone is currently not the target of these
images, it can very well be (and you get all the snappy advatages, like
unattended auto-rollback of the kernel or rootfs if it fails to boot
after upgrades and all the other transactional package update/rollback
mechanisms it has built in)

> Is there going to be an installer experience as well? But that would 
> require 32-bit (Ubiquity) ISOs.

there is a firstboot experience pretty much like ubiquitys oem mode
where you can set up the basic system parameters (user, hostname,
network config) 

there will be an easy installer in the future as well, called ubuntu-
flash that will enable you to install from any media you want to any
other media ...


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