My opinion on Ubuntu cancelling Intel 80386/80386-clone processor support

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at
Sat Sep 10 08:17:10 UTC 2016

On Sat, 2016-09-10 at 03:55 -0400, JMZ wrote:
> On 09/09/2016 06:06 PM, Thierry Andriamirado wrote:
> > Le 9 septembre 2016 04:00:12 UTC+03:00, Simos Xenitellis a écrit :
> > > 
> > > Considering that at least until 2021 we will be fine regarding 32-
> > > bit support, I think it would be good to gradually get people to
> > > switch to small-board computers.
> > Right.
> > 
> > 
> > These are nowdays quite cheap, and you can get a quad-core SBC with
> > 2GB RAM for under 30€.
> > I hope prices of those hardwares will quickly drop. They are still
> > inexistant here, and the day you'll find one, you'll buy it 200 € :(
> > 
> Rural SBC clusters might work.  A 64-bit multi-core SBC cluster in the
> mairie? Homes use recycled 32-bit boxes with low RAM and a small hard
> drive.  This will be enough to log into the SBC for data or internet
> when available.  It's okay if the 32-bit kernels are not updated that
> much.  We just have to keep 32-bit alive.
> There's got to be a foundation which could sell SBC's for 20 euro each
> as a development project.

This doesn't help to keep old hardware, to avoid depletion of rare earth
elements, let alone that this "buy something new, to replace something
that still does the job" attitude also comes with bad social aspects.

If kernels aren't updated, then it easily affects software, e.g. dkms
might be unable to build virtualbox modules.

Technical progress is not the same as human progress. Computer progress
is just required in a few domains, that are completely irrelevant for
most computer users, but human kind needs progress, we can't continue
our social and ecological misbehaviour much longer.


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