xen-system-amd64 recompilation from source broken in 16.04
Éliás Tamás
et at etit.hu
Thu Mar 24 23:45:24 UTC 2016
Hi. Just one more addition to this build-problem:
Xen can use other qemu versions other then what is included (downloaded)
with it. so the only task is needed to be done, to have some discussion
betwen qemu and xen package maintainers, so xen can use the distro qemu
source tree (making xen dependant on qemu), thus preventing downloading
this component.
The distor's qemu should contain only the --enable-xen config option
during build.
This way the download-probelm could be solved in my opinion, of course
I'm not a package maintainer so I might not be right.
2016-03-23 13:58 keltezéssel, Éliás Tamás írta:
> Hi. Thank you for your answer, this is a reasonable explanation.
> I will compile my version. For some reason compiling under debian 8 is
> just fine, but I'm having difficulties doing the same under ubuntu
> 16.04. Unfortunately the debian compilation is not a solution due to the
> servers are all 16.04 and library conflicts occur.
> 2016-03-23 13:35 keltezéssel, Stefan Bader írta:
>> On 23.03.2016 12:08, Éliás Tamás wrote:
>>> HI.
>>> Ok, then the question is as follows:
>>> Is that possible in the near future to see a xen package in ubuntu that
>>> supports STUBDOMAIN HVMs? (in my point of view this is the only secure
>>> way of hosting windows-based guests)
>>> If yes, when?
>>> If no, why?
>> No, at least not in foreseeable future because the way stubdomains are currently
>> build downloads binaries (libraries) as tarfiles from external sources. That is
>> a no-go for distro packaging as there is no way to ensure this is legal
>> (licenses/binaries being redistributable).
>> To change that properly will take quite a bit of time and right now I cannot see
>> anybody in Debian or Ubuntu who has enough spare time for that.
>> -Stefan
>>> Thnak you for your patience.
>>> 2016-03-23 11:55 keltezéssel, Stefan Bader írta:
>>>> On 23.03.2016 10:51, Éliás Tamás wrote:
>>>>> HI.
>>>>>>> I had to install libsystemd-daemon-dev from an older ubuntu repository,
>>>>>>> which seemes to place the required pkgconfig file for the xen sources
>>>>>>> are looking for. I assume there is a need to merge the old
>>>>>>> ibsystemd-daemon-dev package with the new libsystemd-dev.
>>>>>> Not really as long as the Debian/Ubuntu packaging is not enabling systemd (which
>>>>>> is not yet the case).
>>>>> Then what should be the acceptable solution?
>>>>> Currently the xen sources are not compiling on 16.04 without extra
>>>>> hacks. This is not the case with eg.: debian 8, that works out of the
>>>>> box after the required backages been installed. (yes, 16.04 has newer
>>>>> gnutls and for some reason the systemd packages been merged into one,
>>>>> but this breaks compiling xen sources)
>>>> If fetching the source directly from upstream works in Debian that might be luck
>>>> and may as well change any time. If you look at the Xen package in Debian this
>>>> is not just the upstream source either.
>>>> So either you will have to live with personal hacks or you might use the
>>>> existing distro packaging as a base for merging the new upstream version. Doing
>>>> that would allow to use a PPA for the build. Admittedly that is not a simple
>>>> task as debian packaging is a big area to learn. So personal hacks might be simpler.
>>>> There is just no way that the distro changes its packaging that late in the
>>>> cycle to satisfy compiling from upstream source. Even more so with something
>>>> like systemd which mostly everything depends on.
>>>> -Stefan
Éliás Tamás
Thomas Elias
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