xen-system-amd64 recompilation from source broken in 16.04
Éliás Tamás
et at etit.hu
Wed Mar 23 12:58:07 UTC 2016
Hi. Thank you for your answer, this is a reasonable explanation.
I will compile my version. For some reason compiling under debian 8 is
just fine, but I'm having difficulties doing the same under ubuntu
16.04. Unfortunately the debian compilation is not a solution due to the
servers are all 16.04 and library conflicts occur.
2016-03-23 13:35 keltezéssel, Stefan Bader írta:
> On 23.03.2016 12:08, Éliás Tamás wrote:
>> HI.
>> Ok, then the question is as follows:
>> Is that possible in the near future to see a xen package in ubuntu that
>> supports STUBDOMAIN HVMs? (in my point of view this is the only secure
>> way of hosting windows-based guests)
>> If yes, when?
>> If no, why?
> No, at least not in foreseeable future because the way stubdomains are currently
> build downloads binaries (libraries) as tarfiles from external sources. That is
> a no-go for distro packaging as there is no way to ensure this is legal
> (licenses/binaries being redistributable).
> To change that properly will take quite a bit of time and right now I cannot see
> anybody in Debian or Ubuntu who has enough spare time for that.
> -Stefan
>> Thnak you for your patience.
>> 2016-03-23 11:55 keltezéssel, Stefan Bader írta:
>>> On 23.03.2016 10:51, Éliás Tamás wrote:
>>>> HI.
>>>>>> I had to install libsystemd-daemon-dev from an older ubuntu repository,
>>>>>> which seemes to place the required pkgconfig file for the xen sources
>>>>>> are looking for. I assume there is a need to merge the old
>>>>>> ibsystemd-daemon-dev package with the new libsystemd-dev.
>>>>> Not really as long as the Debian/Ubuntu packaging is not enabling systemd (which
>>>>> is not yet the case).
>>>> Then what should be the acceptable solution?
>>>> Currently the xen sources are not compiling on 16.04 without extra
>>>> hacks. This is not the case with eg.: debian 8, that works out of the
>>>> box after the required backages been installed. (yes, 16.04 has newer
>>>> gnutls and for some reason the systemd packages been merged into one,
>>>> but this breaks compiling xen sources)
>>> If fetching the source directly from upstream works in Debian that might be luck
>>> and may as well change any time. If you look at the Xen package in Debian this
>>> is not just the upstream source either.
>>> So either you will have to live with personal hacks or you might use the
>>> existing distro packaging as a base for merging the new upstream version. Doing
>>> that would allow to use a PPA for the build. Admittedly that is not a simple
>>> task as debian packaging is a big area to learn. So personal hacks might be simpler.
>>> There is just no way that the distro changes its packaging that late in the
>>> cycle to satisfy compiling from upstream source. Even more so with something
>>> like systemd which mostly everything depends on.
>>> -Stefan
Éliás Tamás
Thomas Elias
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