xen-system-amd64 version update

Éliás Tamás et at etit.hu
Sun Mar 20 16:23:44 UTC 2016

Hi all.

May I request an update for the above package? I have installed several
16.04 LTS server versions both used for virtualization, these systems
are planned to go into production soon, as soon as the LTS will be
stable. But.

More then a month ago xen released 4.6.1 and they recently published
CVE-2016-3157 / XSA-171 a critical security update. The 16.04 version is
still 4.6.0.

Before I go into compiling my own version, I would be happier to keep a
clear way for updating the systems.

Is it possible to request an update from you into the ubuntu system?

Thank you.


Éliás Tamás
Thomas Elias

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