The Simple Things in Life

Xen list at
Fri Jul 22 12:07:41 UTC 2016

Matthew Paul Thomas schreef op 22-07-2016 12:28:

> This technique could be extended to the rest of the startup. Instead of
> the dots, show a determinate progress bar (that is, one that fills up).
> In addition, *if* the progress bar hasn’t moved at all in the past ~5
> seconds, show the most recent startup message below it.

I would probably suggest showing the current SystemD target being 
reached, or just having been reached.

In a sense you do not need the "show phases" thing to show technical 
information other than what part of the boot process is happening. In a 
sense, this is codified in the SystemD stages or targets such as the 
SysInit target and the Cryptsetup target.

But the startup messages are not saved, this is a huge issue for 

"Reached target Start Networking" ---<-- that is useful information.

KDE employs a 5-icon startup sequence or something like that. It is not 
hugely informational but at least illustrative.

I would prefer a startup sequence with either 5 icons (5 is the best 
number for this) or a progress bar, but both with text underneath such 
as "Starting Networking" or at worst, but still at best, if nothing else 
"Reached target XXX".

Checking filesystems
Starting networking
Mounting disks
Unlocking cryptography
Loading desktop

Those are candidates for "stages". They are also the most likely points 
where something can hang.

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