Fwd: NCL installation

elif beyza çatalbaş elifbeyzacatalbas at gmail.com
Wed Dec 14 06:17:39 UTC 2016

Dear Mrs/Mr

 I want to install NCL to my computer , I am using Ubuntu and I try this

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ncl-ncarg

sudo ln -s /usr/share/ncarg /usr/lib/ncarg

then I tested my installation of NCL with *ng4ex gsun01n -clean* command. I
get error like this.

*fatal:syntax error:line o before or near gsun01n*
*ng4ex gsun01n*

*fatal:error in statement*

Are there any way to install them on Ubuntu?This program is important for
me because I'm a master's degree student and I'm using this program
frequently. Thank you for your consideration.


Meteorological Engineer
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