Installing Redmine 3.0 on Ubuntu server 15.04 with apache2, MYsql en GIT

Yvo Brasseur yvo.brasseur at
Thu May 28 10:25:51 UTC 2015


I have installed a 'fresh' (32 bit) Ubuntu server 15.04 with apache2, 
MYSQL, and then added Redmine 3.0 via synaptic, and chose MySQL as DB.
There were no complaints about missing dependencies,  but after that
I could not get Redmine active, not 'local', and not 'remote'.

So far, I have been searching a lot in the how-to's and FAQ's of, and via Google,  but I can't seem to find input
on anything higer than Ubuntu 14.04.
I tried a few of these howto's, but so far without success.
It worked under Ubuntu 14.04 (desktop version).

Maybe I should re-install the server and restart from scratch ?

Could you point me to some information on what needs to be done after
installing via apt-get on Ubuntu server 15.04, MYSQL and apache2
(and coupling it to GIT rather than subversion) ?


Yvo Brasseur.

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