Removing runlevel 06 no longer needed?

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Wed Jun 10 22:16:30 UTC 2015

Hey Bryan,

Bryan Quigley [2015-06-03 15:57 -0400]:
> I've been looking at merging keepalived or snmpd with Debian and they
> both have something like:
> explicit init start/stop parameters (don't stop at 0 and 6)
> Call dh_installinit correctly to avoid installing links in rc[06].d
> As far as I can tell that was an Upstart specific workaround[1].  Am I
> correct in that?  Can those differences be dropped now that we are on
> systemd?

systemd's sysv-generator does not currently look at whether an init.d
script has stop links or not, it will be called with "stop" on
shutdown either way. But that's a bug/missing feature in the
generator, from my POV.

If an init.d script does not need to be called during shutdown, its
LSB header should still have "Should-Stop: 1" only (i. e. no 0 and 6),
and there is no reason why this would be Ubuntu specific -- such
updates should be sent to Debian as well. These days, with insserv,
the LSB header is the only thing that matters. dh_installinit,
update-rc.d aren't getting called with runlevels any more, just with
defaults/enable/disable. If you still have a package which doesn't do
that, this should be updated as well (and again the change forwarded
to Debian).

So in short, we should get rid of such Ubuntu deltas, but not by
dropping them but by getting them into Debian IMHO.


Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (

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