Unity window layout

Saurbaum saurbaum at gmail.com
Tue Jan 13 19:17:09 UTC 2015

I'm curious about the reasoning behind the decision to restrict the window
buttons location in Unity.

It's fine to have a preferred default side to place them on from a design
perspective, but to actually prevent customisation and lock it down seems
rather draconian.

Consider that the layout isn't even reliably enforced on third party
applications. The two that leap to mine are Steam and Chrome which both
place their own themed buttons in a Windows layout.

Personally I would love to use Unity and have the buttons on the right of
the screen.  It's where my mouse lives most of the time because that's
where the scroll bar for the windows are.  Having to make my way to the
left hand edge to close them feels like reaching across myself.

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