How shall I report a bug in the .deb packaging itself?

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at
Thu Dec 24 09:18:09 UTC 2015

Hi Alberto,

On Thu, 24 Dec 2015 01:50:45 +0100, Alberto Salvia Novella wrote:
>What if:
>- "remove" removes a package and all the unused depends, recommends
>and suggests.
>- but before removing asks the user to exclude packages from the 
>removal, and from that moment marks those as installed by the user.
>- "autoremove" only removes depends.

What do you think would users say, who are using apt for more than 10
years? It also requires to rewrite scripts and programs based on apt.

>Would that make us get rid of complains?

What do you think?

What should "purge" do?

Btw. do you think it would be a good idea if apt would provide a
checklist that ask the user for each command 20 or 30 questions before
it continues?

Should there be an Ubuntu apt hat differs from the Debian apt?

What you are trying to do is making something proved more complicated,
less friendly for your averaged user and for power users.

1. Irresponsible users, IOW your averaged user who wants to use the
computer without learning how to use a computer, likely a refugee from
Windows, doesn't care. This user pushes a button to install software and
another button to remove it. This kind of user won't notice a few
packages that were not removed, but this kind of user would notice, if
software that wasn't explicitly removed is missing.

2. Self-responsible users, willing to learn how to use a computer in
the same way as they learned how to eat with forks and knifes, how to
use a washing machine etc., are simply aware how apt works without the
need to be power users and assumed they are pedantic or simply very
interested, they will learn more and more and become power users soon
or later.

Nobody, really nobody would benefit from changing apt this way.

I'm speaking for all Debian, Ubuntu, Debian derivatives and Ubuntu
derivatives user, they are all sitting in my room at the moment and bow


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