Green hard disk drives
João M. S. Silva
joao.m.santos.silva at
Thu Aug 13 18:47:28 UTC 2015
With option commit=50 in the ext4 partitions I was able to reduce jbd2
IO frequency. But the disk keeps spinning on/off with a frequency of
around 10 s.
So jdb2 (which was also a problem for Arch Linux users, saw it in a post
from 2011) is not the culprit.
On 08/13/2015 02:47 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> Thank you for your reply,
> a lot of people trying to help me guess I need to fix my green WD
> drive. The drive is ok, does exactly what it should do and what it must
> do regarding an EU Regulation for external drives.
> It does not happen for Linux in general.
> It happens for my Ubuntu install, not for my Arch install. Nobody added
> a fix to the Arch install, I set up Arch on my own, just didn't install
> unwanted software.
> I want to do the same for my Ubuntu install.
> On Thu, 13 Aug 2015 14:16:38 +0100, J Fernyhough wrote:
>> I believe this is a "known" issue with WD Green drives. There are a few
>> workarounds for this, for example:
>> Essentially, the trick is to remove the drive's internal head "park"
>> timer so Linux's own power management can take care of things.
> No, it's a common misconception that the drives need to be fixed. I'm
> using Arch Linux and no software wakes up the same drive on the same
> machine. If I find such software, I report the bug upstream.
> Take a look at
> it was fixed by
> A lot of people are used to GVFS and similar software. I never ever
> would install it!
> For my needs, it's absolutely useless software that wakes up green
> drives.
> I really want to know what is installed on my Ubuntu, that does wake up
> green drives.
> Regards,
> Ralf
João M. S. Silva
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