Green hard disk drives

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at
Thu Aug 13 13:47:01 UTC 2015

Thank you for your reply,

a lot of people trying to help me guess I need to fix my green WD
drive. The drive is ok, does exactly what it should do and what it must
do regarding an EU Regulation for external drives.

It does not happen for Linux in general.

It happens for my Ubuntu install, not for my Arch install. Nobody added
a fix to the Arch install, I set up Arch on my own, just didn't install
unwanted software.

I want to do the same for my Ubuntu install.

On Thu, 13 Aug 2015 14:16:38 +0100, J Fernyhough wrote:
>I believe this is a "known" issue with WD Green drives. There are a few
>workarounds for this, for example:
>Essentially, the trick is to remove the drive's internal head "park"
>timer so Linux's own power management can take care of things.

No, it's a common misconception that the drives need to be fixed. I'm
using Arch Linux and no software wakes up the same drive on the same
machine. If I find such software, I report the bug upstream.

Take a look at
it was fixed by

A lot of people are used to GVFS and similar software. I never ever
would install it!

For my needs, it's absolutely useless software that wakes up green

I really want to know what is installed on my Ubuntu, that does wake up
green drives.


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