Please update usb-modeswitch packages in Trusty

Mateusz Stachowski mateusz.stachowski at
Thu Mar 27 12:04:56 UTC 2014

I opened a bug for that but I should probably add [FFe] to it because 
after all we are past the Feature Freeze. Also sorry for adding 
needs-packaging I probably shouldn't add that right because those 
packages are already in ubuntu archives they just need updating.

I used the PPA of Debian usb-modeswitch maintainer and it didn't cause 
any troubles. My modem was already supported by the old packages 
available in Ubuntu repos.

Below is a copy of text from Bug Description:

The upstream released new versions of usb-modeswitch and 
usb-modeswitch-data on January 28th and 29th 2014.

This version supports many more usb modems than the one currently 
available in Trusty besides those packages haven't been updated for a 
very, very long time in Ubuntu.

The packages are already available in Debian Testing and Unstable.

Besides that the maintainer of the USB_ModeSwitch Debian package has set 
up a PPA providing this most recent release. 

NOTE: there is also a similar bug report from users that want the latest 
usb-modeswitch on Trusty.
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