Our Networking Story

Dale Amon amon at vnl.com
Sun Mar 9 23:34:12 UTC 2014

On Sat, Mar 08, 2014 at 09:57:04AM +0530, Soren Hansen wrote:
> interfaces as it would have any other statically configured interface,
> because that's what /etc/network/interfaces says it should do.
> When it's ifup'ed again, it gets the right address assigned, but the
> dhcp client is still running in the background, waiting to screw up your
> network config once the lease is about to expire.

Yes, and did I ever let out a string of invective the first time
this happened to me on a *server* build. It was just beyond the
pale that a server would get configured with dhcp and not put things
in /etc/network/interfaces where they belonged. After swearing imprecations
on the parentage and ancestry of all those who made this change
I slowly came down to a grumble and finally agreed with a now deceased
friend, Hugh Daniels, about the 'Linux Children' as he so aptly put

If you are re-thinking things, just don't do this again. Make it
go away. Get rid of it. It is a terrible idea.

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