Upgrade issues

Dale Amon amon at vnl.com
Mon Jun 2 19:50:29 UTC 2014

On Mon, Jun 02, 2014 at 01:32:48PM -0600, Neal McBurnett wrote:
> You would make this easier for yourself and all of us if you start with a few basic bits of information:
>  Which Ubuntu version did you use before the upgrade?


>  What did you upgrade to?


>  How did you do the upgrade?

>  Which desktop did you use?  I note you mention "Mate" which I don't know much about, but which until very recently seems not to even have been in the official repositories.  Did you install it via a PPA?

I had Mate before. I am not sure that is what I was left with
after the update. I have set the log in to Gnome Classic, which
may not be what I want, which really is the Mate desk top.
> Did you use tweaks or other UI configuration management
> tools that are not officially supported by Ubuntu?

Not yet.
> If you used features unsupported by Ubuntu, you should ask
> the supporters of those repos and tools about how to do a
> clean upgrade.

Nothing yet, but I'll load in whatever it takes to get it
customized back to something I find comfortable and useful
for my daily job.

As I noted, perhaps the time has come to leave Ubuntu and
go to Mate. I am wavering first one way and the other, 
depending on what features I've managed to get set back to
normal or am screwed up by at the instant.

The big must fix items:
	* Critical: lockups on lid closure
	* Crucial: restore my launchers to the upper tool bar
	* slideshow screensaver running over ~/Pictures/*

The don't like much issues:
	* Procedure of mouse to top left corner, sweep to far right edge
	  to select desktop is slow. And the images only show one
	  screen. Would prefer getting a lower tool bar desktop selector
	  back. Speed counts when you are over worked.

And note that you really do have at least one bug in the
backdrop and lock panel. I have thousands of aviation photos
in ~/Pictures and it cannot deal with it, only shows perhaps
one of ten images for backdrop selection.

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