
Michael Hall mhall119 at
Mon Dec 1 18:45:47 UTC 2014

On 12/01/2014 09:22 AM, Diego Germán Gonzalez wrote:
> I just learned of the launch of Devuan
> A fork of Debian which eliminates the requirement to use systemd, and
> promises to build a less bureaucratic and more friendly community
> towards the derived distros
> Will have to see how the project evolves, but if they do not be a bad
> idea that Ubuntu will begin to rely on it

Please do keep an eye on Devuan's development, and participate in it if
you are interested in the direction they are taking. But I think we can
all agree that it is *far* too early to start thinking about rebase-ing
off of it.

Michael Hall
mhall119 at

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