Aptitude installed by default on 13.10?

Robert Holtzman holtzm at cox.net
Tue Apr 9 19:33:05 UTC 2013


> On Ubuntu Desktop we want to discourage usage of command line =) as
> there is no need for that for non-developers.

That's one of the more elitist, swinishly arrogant statements I've heard
lately. Are you actually discouraging new users from learning linux?
Why? The cli is one of the best teaching tools there is. Are you afraid 
of confusing Grandma and Grandpa? Is this part of the process of dumbing 
down the distro that's been going on lately? Did the devs come up with 
that or was it an edict from Mavelous Mark? 

I hope to hell that was a joke. 

Bob Holtzman
If you think you're getting free lunch, 
check the price of the beer.
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