Ubuntu for Android
James Haigh
james.r.haigh at gmail.com
Tue Nov 20 00:46:59 UTC 2012
Ps. I've misread one of those links about VMGL; it looks like VMGL won't
work either way round between Ubuntu and Android.
On Nov 20, 2012 12:25 AM, "James Haigh" <james.r.haigh at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey, am I missing something?! Today I was told by someone who doesn't use
> Linux and doesn't have an Android phone that Ubuntu for Android has been
> released for the Nexus 7!
> I'm keeping my eyes peeled for any news, but I haven't seen anything to
> back this up. The only thing I've noticed is that http://<http://ubuntu.com/devices/android>
> ubuntu.com <http://ubuntu.com/devices/android>/devices/android<http://ubuntu.com/devices/android>now has this new video:
> http:// <http://youtu.be/iv1Z7bf4jXY>youtu.be<http://youtu.be/iv1Z7bf4jXY>
> /iv1Z7bf4jXY <http://youtu.be/iv1Z7bf4jXY>
> "...So, get a phone with Ubuntu for Android, and start living a life less
> complicated."
> Err. Where from? And does this mean that some source code has been
> released somewhere? I can't find anything, but maybe I'm not looking hard
> enough.
> I currently have Ubuntu running on a tablet, but I haven't found a way to
> get OpenGL hardware acceleration to work (it currently uses VNC into
> itself). I've looked at VMGL, but it can't work because it needs full
> OpenGL rather than OpenGLES (see https://<https://groups.google.com/group/android-porting/browse_thread/thread/d9a7b29f3bfde6be>
> groups.google.com<https://groups.google.com/group/android-porting/browse_thread/thread/d9a7b29f3bfde6be>
> /group/android-porting/<https://groups.google.com/group/android-porting/browse_thread/thread/d9a7b29f3bfde6be>
> browse_thread<https://groups.google.com/group/android-porting/browse_thread/thread/d9a7b29f3bfde6be>
> /thread/d9a7b29f3bfde6be<https://groups.google.com/group/android-porting/browse_thread/thread/d9a7b29f3bfde6be>).
> The reverse looks more likely though (see https://<https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=6816>
> code.google.com <https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=6816>
> /p/android/issues/detail?<https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=6816>
> id <https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=6816>=6816<https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=6816>),
> so maybe Ubuntu could take control of the hardware acceleration as OpenGL
> and expose this back to Android via VMGL.
> It is though quite nice that all I have to do is plug in my ThinkPad USB
> keyboard and I have a full Ubuntu desktop (albeit slow without OpenGL) with
> LibreOffice and my other full Ubuntu desktop applications. However, I'm
> eager to know how Ubuntu for Android, as seen in some videos online, is
> doing hardware acceleration, and how the Android screen is visible within
> an Ubuntu window.
> James.
> On Oct 15, 2012 11:48 PM, "Benjamin Kerensa" <bkerensa at ubuntu.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 3:04 PM, James Haigh <james.r.haigh at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Ubuntu for Android was announced in February and it's now October. It
>>> looks like an amazing solution and I can't wait! I think it would really
>>> help with college work so the sooner the better.
>>> Does anyone know anything about it? Where is the development / alpha /
>>> beta source code? Can I install it on pre-existing rooted devices?
>> Canonical has not release the source code to the public and there has not
>> been really much discussion about it since the initial announcements.
>>> What is the ETA for the first pre-installed Ubuntu for Android phone?
>>> Will I be able to get a Samsung Galaxy Note II with Ubuntu for Android?
>> Canonical has not provided an ETA yet.
>>> Can the Ubuntu desktop be accessed from the device itself? That would be
>>> especially useful for tablets with docking keyboards, or when no monitor or
>>> keyboard is to hand.
>>> Are there any UfA mailing lists that I can subscribe to so that I can be
>>> informed of progress and availability as soon as is announced?
>> No there are not. Canonical has keeping the development discussions
>> internal.
>>> Alternatively, does anyone know of a Free / Open-source alternative to
>>> Complete Linux Installer? Does anyone know if VMGL could be used with such
>>> a Linux installer to enable hardware acceleration?
>>> Looking forward to UfA,
>>> James Haigh.
>>> --
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>> Benjamin Kerensa
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