Drop Gwibber from default install

Bedwell, Jordon jordon at envygeeks.com
Sun Mar 11 23:00:19 UTC 2012

On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 5:44 PM, Soren Hansen <soren at linux2go.dk> wrote:
> 2012/3/11 Bedwell, Jordon <jordon at envygeeks.com>:
>> Remember, the Canonical usability test only consisted of 15 people (that
>> is a > huge and I mean HUGE sample group) and that was good enough for
>> this right here is a perfect study :).
> Are you familiar with the difference between a qualitative and a
> study?

A number that small cannot be considered quality when it impacts millions
and changes the entire way people flow.
It cannot be considered quality if it is only conducted once.
You can't seriously try to imply that 2 people in the high-age group is
considered quality.
You can't seriously try to imply that such a huge age range per group is
consider quality.
It cannot be considered quality if it does not consist of a group of people
who used Ubuntu.

There are plenty of other flaws I could point out and go on about but meh,
I'll leave the list short because short.
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