multiple reports of same bug-needs fixing

Paul Graydon paul at
Fri Jun 1 00:00:21 UTC 2012

On 05/31/2012 01:41 PM, Jeremy Bicha wrote:
> On 31 May 2012 18:58, Lindsey Augustine<lindtine334 at>  wrote:
>> All these bugs describe the same problem: Max Brightness at boot. There are
>> a lot of people with this problem.
>> Will the developers please address these reports?
> Please stop spamming this list. It is spam to post basically the same
> thing three days in a row. Repeating yourself won't help the bug get
> fixed any sooner.
> Jeremy
Whilst I agree with you that the repeated spamming is annoying and 
shouldn't be happening (and is possibly counter-productive at best), 
it's worth pointing out that the earliest one of those bug reports was 
triaged around 6 months ago by pitti, and there has been absolutely no 
official communication on the ticket, not even a brief message.  As far 
as people know what to them seems a trivial bug means squat diddly to 
Ubuntu, and no one is interested in fixing it.  Is it really surprising 
that after 6 months people might be a little frustrated and resorting in 


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