Ubuntu & Gnome 3.4

Jeremy Bicha jeremy at bicha.net
Fri Jan 6 16:09:27 UTC 2012

On 5 January 2012 20:41, Gianfranco Costamagna
<costamagnagianfranco at yahoo.it> wrote:
> Are you really plan to release ubuntu 12.04 without gnome 3.4 in the
> official repository?
> I mean, I can understand you prefere unity as default, but IMAO ubuntu
> should provide the latest gnome, like it provides the latest kernel released
> in the developing process.

Actually, Ubuntu 12.04 will include the 3.2 kernel but the latest
stable kernel will be 3.3.

> Please don't leave users to search for a ppa/build it themselves, since this
> is a bit usability problem, and a regression for bug 1 [1]

This has nothing whatsoever to do with bug 1, except for the fact that
most people prefer their computers to just work and not necessarily be
running the latest software versions. This is especially the case for
a Long Term Support release.

The parts of GNOME 3.4 that don't make it into Ubuntu 12.04 will not
be hidden, but will be available in the GNOME 3 PPA, which is actually
the same place you'd find GNOME 3.0 for 11.04 and 3.2 for 11.10.


With the exception of the GNOME 3.0 release cycle (which was unusual),
this will be the first time that Ubuntu is not targeting all of the
latest GNOME. Our intention is to balance the goals of shipping tested
software and shipping the latest software in order to provide a
stable, less buggy Ubuntu 12.04.

Jeremy Bicha

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