Ubuntu & Gnome 3.4

James Haigh james.r.haigh at gmail.com
Fri Jan 6 15:41:21 UTC 2012

I was a keen Unity fan when Natty came out. However, since Oneiric,
Unity is the main reason why I'm still using Natty.

It has become a lot less usable, and a bit less elegant (Eg: Ubuntu
start button thing). Some of the things that drew me to Natty have

It's not the first time that upgrading Ubuntu has lost features, but
usually it's worth it due to other improvements. These things aren't
accidental regressions, they are intentional. I think there should be
some way of communicating to developers positive feedback about
features (not just bugs or feature requests). Otherwise you only hear
when it goes wrong. Something like "I use this feature and it's good!
Please don't remove it!", or at the very least, there should be an
/option/ to enable the feature even if it's no longer default.

I'm planning on switching to Gnome 3, but why isn't there a flavour of
Ubuntu for Gnome? I want to give out CDs again, but I'm not giving out
any post-Natty version of Unity.

James Haigh.

On 06/01/2012, Bilal Akhtar <bilalakhtar at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Hi Gianfranco,
> These links should help you with that :
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-p-gnome-version
> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/11/precisely-what-gnome-version-will-be-in-ubuntu-12-04/
> Hope this helps,
> Bilal Akhtar.
> On Jan 5, 2012 8:42 PM, "Gianfranco Costamagna" <
> costamagnagianfranco at yahoo.it> wrote:
>> Sorry for the stupid question:
>> Are you really plan to release ubuntu 12.04 without gnome 3.4 in the
>> official repository?
>> I mean, I can understand you prefere unity as default, but IMAO ubuntu
>> should provide the latest gnome, like it provides the latest kernel
>> released in the developing process.
>> Please don't leave users to search for a ppa/build it themselves, since
>> this is a bit usability problem, and a regression for bug 1 [1]
>> [1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1
>> Just my 0.02 $
>> Gianfranco
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