www.shockwave.com http://unity3d.com/unity/ - i smell trouble...

Alexandre Strube surak at surak.eti.br
Thu Feb 9 09:54:32 UTC 2012

Hello Adam,

I am not sure what you are proposing.

The website has a demo section ( unity3d.com/webplayer ), which
installs its own plug-in, called unity web player. I do not understand
how it is any related to shockwave - which is itself available on
adobe's website ( www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/alternates ), as
well as open alternatives on ubuntu software catalog.

Moreover, Wikipedia links to a couple of reports that a version of the
Unity engine for Linux is being developed
( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unity_(game_engine)#Linux )

So if I understand, your proposal was to build an open-source version
of the unity3d engine for Linux? It might prove quite a feat to
reverse-engineer their closed software, but not impossible. Do you
want to start such a project?

2012/2/9 HSO <adam at biznes.linux.pl>
> On Ubuntu - that site applets not work - at all. An even in 12.04
> don't will work.
> Why? - flash palyer it's on Ubuntu as aditional install app. But
> shochwave player not in Ubuntu.
> Next - http://unity3d.com/unity/ will not work in Ubuntu.
> So it's plany arg. tu not install Ubuntu - and Install Windows or Mac.
> How we change that ?
> on Ubuntu we Have DRI + MESA
> DRI - The Direct Rendering Infrastructure, also known as the DRI, is a
> framework for allowing direct access to graphics hardware under the X
> Window System in a safe and efficient manner. It includes changes to
> the X server, to several client libraries, and to the kernel (DRM,
> Direct Rendering Manager). The most important use for the DRI is to
> create fast OpenGL implementations providing hardware acceleration for
> Mesa. Several 3D accelerated drivers have been written to the DRI
> specification,
> MESA - Mesa is an open-source OpenGL implementation, continually
> updated to support the latest OpenGL specification.
> how to about wrie a backend - with standrad API - for that software
> like shocwave or
> http://unity3d.com/unity/

dr. Alexandre Strube
surak at ubuntu.com

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