Help related to creating new distro

Saqlain Abbas saqlain.abbas.7 at
Fri Dec 28 08:01:23 UTC 2012


I have created a small distro (it got minimal packages and i followed LFS
approach), it is terminal based i.e. no desktop environment like gnome or
kde etc.

I want to distribute it as an ISO image I need some help on how to create
this tiny distro ISO image? I got couple of questions kindly guide

1) Is there some command line tool which i can use to create ISO image. I
would have to install that software in my tiny distro?
2) How to create partition layout for user, before even starting the
kernel, do i need to write script? How can i invoke that from ISO image?
etc I want minimal user interaction at this step. I would have to install
boot loader also, at this stage?

Might be basic question, but i am new to this, so kindly guide.

Kind Regards,
Saqlain Abbas.
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