The cloud directory name "Ubuntu One" has a space in it....

Paul Smith paul at
Thu Dec 27 16:19:43 UTC 2012

On Thu, 2012-12-27 at 10:45 -0500, Rodney Dawes wrote:
> And you really shouldn't compile things within a synchronized
> directory.  If you have two different machines of different
> architectures, the compiled binaries being synchronized could cause
> problems.

I obviously have no idea exactly what the original poster was trying to
do, but it's perfectly possible (and reasonable) to have the source code
live in the shared directory so it can be used on multiple systems, but
write the makefile such that the results of the build (object files,
etc.) are created in ANOTHER directory, which is not shared.

In fact, every single GNU auto-tooled package supports this model out of
the box (unless the author messed up), and for some it's the ONLY
supported model.

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