Possibility to add "Create Launcher" to right click context-menu in Nautilus

Kieran Grant kieran.thehacker.grant at gmail.com
Wed Dec 5 22:06:14 UTC 2012

On 06/12/12 07:52, Colin Law wrote:
> On 5 December 2012 21:10, Kieran Grant <kieran.thehacker.grant at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey All,
>> I am currently using Ubuntu 12.04.1, so I don't know if this is
>> something that was worked on in Ubuntu 12.10 or is in the planning stage
>> for Ubuntu 13.04, but I am wondering if it's possible for something to
>> be done about the lack of ability to right click on the desktop (or any
>> folder in nautilus) and create a new launcher, this is only a usability
>> problem.
> http://www.smdavis.us/projects/menulibre/ is pretty good.
> Colin
Thanks Colin, I've had a play with it, it looks good as a menu editor,
easy to use interface. Lot's of nice controls. (I like being able to
edit the Quick lists)

But I was more asking about general right-clicking in a folder (or
Desktop) and having something like "Create a new Launcher" (Or
'Shortcut', as that is what Windows Users will be familiar with), that
then creates a new Launcher (say with gnome-desktop-item-edit) that can
be edited later.

I think this is something that would have to been included into Nautilus

Still, I'm going to remember menulibre, it's a cool little program, that
will definitely make my life easier in the future


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