non-free software in Ubuntu

Dmitrijs Ledkovs dmitrij.ledkov at
Wed Dec 5 10:59:28 UTC 2012

On 5 December 2012 10:26, Enrico Weigelt <enrico.weigelt at> wrote:
>> > Could those packages be candidates for the multiverse section ?
>> Yes, but IANAL. Your license needs to allow distribution.
> Of course.
> We havent't decided on the exact terms yet. Our goal is:
> a) allow distros to redistribute the binary packages AS-IS
>    (for now just .deb's, maybe .rpm and other will follow)
> b) deny integrators to repackage and essentially sell it as their own,
>    (these parties should have explicit contracts with us)
> c) free-of-charge for small companies, personal or educational use

It's best for these packages to be self-hosted on the web-servers you control.
It is very easy to setup apt & rpm repositories.
Note that OpenERP installations & paths vary widely between
installations and one deb/rpm will not fit all.
Launchpad & Ubuntu archive(s) components accept source uploads only
which may or may not fit your distribution model.


Ubuntu Core Developer

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