libode - new version

Gianfranco Costamagna costamagnagianfranco at
Wed Aug 29 12:22:08 UTC 2012

I think you should ask directly to debian first

ubuntu automatically/manually sync from debian unstable.


Message: 1
>Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2012 16:24:27 -0400
>From: "German Larrain M." <germanlarrainm at>
>To: ubuntu-devel-discuss at
>Subject: Re: libode - new version
>    <CAKtHHpbAu31=TiuyefXQOioZ+yAvW9DdqKDaP3HJmWxuBaJncA at>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>Dear all,
>Before anything, let me congratulate you for the wonderful job you do
>creating all these packages, useful for many people, many of whom are not
>experienced enough to build each library themselves. Second, please forgive
>if I don't comply with any guidelines there might exist since I'm new here.
>The reason I'm writing is *ODE (Open Dynamics Engine), which is packaged as
>libode1 and libode-dev*. The current version is 0.11.1 which is almost 3
>years old (the lead developers in charge of that project didn't think
>releasing more frequently was useful and that the SVN trunk revisions were
>enough. I disagree) and discouraged to use, according to messages in the
>corresponding google group. The last release is 0.12 (May 28th).
>*I would greatly appreciate if you could build libode1 and libode-dev with
>the 0.12 version instead of the 0.11.1 version.*
>Germ?n Larra?n
>PS: is there any way to search this mailing list? I just could not find how.
>Germ?n Larra?n M.
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