How to install Precise without getting screwed?

Martin Pool mbp at
Tue Apr 3 11:54:53 UTC 2012

On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 6:26 PM, Vernon Cole <vernondcole at> wrote:
>   At your suggestion, I went looking around for some "appropriate" list.  I
> found a blog which seems to be used by the designers to talk with each
> other, but no list as such, or much of a way for an outsider to present
> ideas -- especially critical ideas.

I guess you googled 'unity design list', but the results didn't give
you a clear indication what to do.

When I do that, I find <> which
points to <> (which has a somewhat
disconcerting description) which is a public list you can join, which
has a ton of discussion from unity developers and others about all
topics of unity design <>.
That would be a good place to talk about it, rather than here, which
has lots of non-Unity-related people.


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