How to install Precise without getting screwed?

Vernon Cole vernondcole at
Tue Apr 3 08:26:57 UTC 2012

On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 3:08 PM, Rodney Dawes <rodney.dawes at>wrote:

> Ditën e Mon, 02/04/2012 më 13.57 -0600, Vernon Cole ka shkruar:
> > So there it is.  All we want is all the new stuff -- along with
> > everything we had before.  Is that too much to ask?
> There is nothing preventing you from installing and using the classic
> gnome interface.

I tried that once, and got only old generic gnome stuff. all of the neat
Ubuntu stuff was missing.  As I said, I am greedy and want both.

> This list isn't about Unity design or implementation details discussion.
> If you want to discuss those problems, file bugs or bring it up on the
> appropriate Unity list (probably unity-design).

Dear Rodney:

Perhaps you have actually pinpointed the problem. If Unity developers don't
realize that they are also Ubuntu developers, then no wonder things don't
work quite like they ought. Maybe somebody in this group needs to make sure
that somebody from that group is assigned to follow this one.

  At your suggestion, I went looking around for some "appropriate" list.  I
found a blog which seems to be used by the designers to talk with each
other, but no list as such, or much of a way for an outsider to present
ideas -- especially critical ideas.    Do you have a URL to refer me to, or
were you just trying to get rid of a lurker?  I am _trying_ to contribute
to my favorite distro, and I have learned over the years that a timely
question from a concerned onlooker can sometimes eliminate real problems.
When you are driving down the road and notice that people keep pointing at
your car, you probably should stop and find out what they are pointing at
-- it's probably the gas cap you forgot to replace.

A quick glance at the Unity blogs makes me fear that they are so busy
envisioning the wonderful trees they are planning to grow, that they have
forgotten to tend the forest today.  I have been guilty of the same thing
-- so busy making a new program design elegant. that I forgot that I also
had to make it _work_.

Please forward this to the "appropriate" persons.  I'm afraid that pointing
and shouting warnings is really the most I can contribute. Learning how to
navigate your bureaucracy and whom to lobby is a bit beyond me.
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