How to install Precise without getting screwed?
Dale Amon
amon at
Sun Apr 1 14:01:18 UTC 2012
On Sun, Apr 01, 2012 at 08:36:11AM -0400, Evan Huus wrote:
> P.S. For better or for worse, Unity is the future of Ubuntu (for better,
> IMHO). If you're not willing to spend the time to adjust your workflow to
> it, switch to another desktop. I hear Cinnamon aims to be comparable to the
> old Gnome-2.
The top of my Requirements document on this would be:
* Inclusion of large numbers of launchers of
xterms on the desktop where I can set up
commands like: xterm -e ssh amon@<some ip address>
which because of the crypto logins allows me
a single double-click access to any of about
30 machines.
* Ability to set file browser to default to xemacs
for text files.
* Single or double click access to xterm, xemacs,
and a number of other important apps on my desktop.
* Key folders and apps on the desk top, also available
* Multiple timezone widget on top tool bar or
elsewhere that is continuously available and to
which I can with a single click check the time
in NY,Chicago,Denver and LA where my customers
* At least 4 desktops, reachable by single click.
These are go/no go requirements, in priority order. Lack of
the top one is an instant down select.
Why not just have a menu entry like X windows has always
had, let the user click on it and change their window
manager at will? Put the customer in the drivers seat.
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