How to install Precise without getting screwed?

Evan Huus eapache at
Sun Apr 1 12:36:11 UTC 2012

On Sun, Apr 1, 2012 at 7:52 AM, Dale Amon <amon at> wrote:

> With the release date for the new LTS coming
> rapidly, I am faced with a quandary. There are
> things in Precise which I need; I do not like
> to be behind the curve for updates and such;
> but I just *cannot* have my desktop mucked about
> with.
> I make my living off consulting, so this is
> a serious monetary issue, not just a simple
> matter of taste.
> I've built up a working environment that lets
> me react to customer needs quickly and has
> everything I need for my day to day operations
> close at hand. I cannot afford to lose that,
> nor can I take an extended time to figure out
> what to do in an entirely new environment.
> Just as an example, I have about 30 terminals
> on my desktop. Clicking on one of them puts
> me directly into a server somewhere. I can
> have a customer on the phone, click once and
> be dealing with their problem almost instantly.
> I have skype, gringotts,pigeon and other apps
> which I need instant access to on my top toolbar.
> So the question is, how can I install Precise
> and *NOT* have Unity put me out of action and
> cost me days of work getting rid of it and
> getting my working environment back to normal?

Sorry, but I don't think you can.

Between the HUD, the Dash, and the new Alt-Tab/Alt-Grave I've found Unity
to eventually be *more* efficient than the old Gnome 2 stack, but it did
take a few days of figuring things out and retraining before I was
comfortable with it.

My advice would be to treat the upgrade as an investment - it will require
some time now that isn't immediately productive, but it will make you more
productive in the long run.

Just my two cents,

P.S. For better or for worse, Unity is the future of Ubuntu (for better,
IMHO). If you're not willing to spend the time to adjust your workflow to
it, switch to another desktop. I hear Cinnamon aims to be comparable to the
old Gnome-2.
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