Brainstorming for UDS-P

Barry Warsaw barry at
Tue Sep 27 19:42:47 UTC 2011

On Sep 27, 2011, at 01:02 AM, Scott Kitterman wrote:

>If you aim your minimum Python version at 2.6, it's not that hard to write 
>code that works with both python and python3.  If you want a "P" target for 
>Python3, I'd suggest getting Ubuntu custom code working in either so that we 
>can through the switch when ready would be a really good goal.

If we drop 2.6 for P, then 2.7 will be the minimum Python, but in any event, I
agree with you.

I have to admit that after thinking about this a lot, I am torn between
wanting to aggressively lead on the migration to Python 3, and wanting to have
a really stable P-series with no ftbfs or other lurking problems in our Python
2 stack.  My conservative side is peeking out. :)

To the extent that we can do both, great.  I will put this on our agenda for
UDS-P and I'm sure we'll get a lively and diverse discussion about our short
and long term plans here.

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